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Software MySQL
Version 8.0
Account Details /home/<username>/<username>

Accounts are provisioned using a script located in /usr/local/sbin/. Every new login will generate an account. If you should have an account, but you don't -- it's possible you had a server login account and got missed for adding a MySQL account. Please submit a ticket and we will get it taken care of!


Users can create databases using the mysql cli or phpMyAdmin. The database must have their username as the prefix.

mysql> create database joneswac_1;

User's have ALL permissions to tables starting with their username. In some cases an instructor will have access to all the student databases for their class as well. For instructors of classes you will find your information in the same way the students do and your password will reset at semester rotation, just as the students' do.

Database Backups

Please manually back up your database. You can do this using mysqldump from bash, not using the mysql CLI. Here's an example of what would look like.

mysqldump -u $USER -p -d username_db > username_db_backup.sql

If you save the file as .sql then it's easier to keep track of and can be imported in the future. You can transfer this file to any MySQL (or MariaDB) server and import it. The file is text based as well so it can be opened in an editor and viewed.

You can also Export the database in phpMyAdmin -- simply go to the Export tab and choose the details (you don't need a template).

The Export controls from phpMyAdmin.

Database Auditing

We have the MariaDB Audit Plugin enabled. Should you need some records of a database change just let the admins know. If you are doing a class and would like an advance configuration with the log being made available for tracking changes simply let an admin know.